Gene`s BMX Applauds
UCI BMX Madrid Web Cast

Wow! - Now this is how BMX should be seen on the web....
If you missed out on the Live BMX web cast via - Freecaster.TV
You can now Re-Play it and watch some of the cool BMX Racing
that went down over the weekend. (
Click Here Re-Play Videos ).
Gene`s BMX News ( Quote ) -- 02/09/2008
If you did not watch the live BMX web cast via Freecaster,
You missed out on some good BMX Racing and then more.
Wow! - The reception was really digitized and clear.
Now this is how BMX should be seen on the web.
Over 1400 people viewing this web cast from on my
GenesBMX.com web site as of 11:30am 02/09/2008
via the embed feed that was pasted on the front page.
We hope they keep this up, Please don`t go greedy
like them other places do. We hope they stay Open
Source and can show us more live BMX web casts.
Them other places that do the closed/pay source
BMX web casts could to take a lesson from this.
It looks like the Freecaster BMX web cast of the
UCI BMX Supercross Madrid did a good job on
promoting BMX. - You think?
Open Source BMX web casts are the way to do it!
It helps promote BMX a lot better to the world.
Gene`s BMX Applauds and says, Way to go,
Thumbs Up! To Freecaster, -- Thank You,
On The Web:
http://www.freecaster.tv |
http://www.bmxmadrid.com |
***** Gene`s BMX *****
All Things Northwest in BMX!