Gene`s BMX Warning & Disclaimer (c)
Gene`s BMX Is A Independent Webmasterd BMX Bicycling Web Site.

The very nature of the activities, BMX Racing & BMX Freestyle, bicycling
all carry the risk of physical injury. No matter how careful the Riders are, no
matter what safety equipment is worn, no matter what surface is being ridden,
the risk cannot be eliminated. Risk can be reduced, but never eliminated.

The risk of injurys while bmxing includes minor injuries such as bruises and
more serious injuries such as broken bones, dislocations and muscle pulls.
The risk also includes catastrophic injuries such as permanent paralysis or
even death from landings on the back, neck or head. For more information
Please see the National Youth Sports Safety Foundation website. - Also a
lot of BMX bicycling statistics and safety information can be found at Via:
* | * | * injuries
as well, some good tips on rules of the road at: State of Washington Bicycle Laws

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Note: that any e-Mail and or e-Mail contents that is sent to Geneb - Gene`s BMX
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Gene`s BMX web site has been viewed
from Jan.02,1999 to Jan.02,2000
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And from Jan.02,2000 to Jan.01,2001
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And from Jan.01,2001 to Jan.01,2002
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And from Jan.01,2003 to Jan.01,2004
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And from Jan.01,2004 to Jan.01,2005
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And from Jan.01,2024 to Jan.01,2025
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If you maintain a BMX/Bicycling web site and would like your
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Please send the name of your web site along with the URL
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Please make a note when sending your web site URL if its in
Washington, Oregon, Idaho States , and B.C. Canada.
So notes can be attached to your web site when its posted.

*All BMX Bicycling Web Sites World Wide are Welcome! ( See Notes Below )
Please send your URL link address to:

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Gene`s BMX would be grateful if you Linked back by adding Gene`s BMX
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Gene`s BMX is a FREE OPEN SOURCE web site. "BMX Bicycling Knowlegment
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Twitter, ESPN, BMXonline, ISTV, Vintage BMX, BMX TV Direct, BMX News,
Go211, BMXmuseum.

EDU, public schools, public librarys, youth clubs and youth groups
should beaware of the listed pay, closed sourced web site practices.

As of 01/01/2006 Gene`s will NOT link to any or its pages.
By the demand of BMXers asking to post myspace links on to Gene`s BMX web site,
Gene`s BMX has made a myspace page and is the "ONLY" link on Gene`s BMX web
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the "Friends Space" area. - { } This way it does not
junk up Gene`s web site pages with all of the myspace spam and rudeness.
Also As Of 2010: Gene`s BMX FaceBook Profile -&- Gene`s BMX FaceBook Page.

More information about Gene`s BMX Web Site can be found at:
Gene`s BMX ( FAQ ) Frequently Asked Questions

Gene`s BMX Web Site Hosted By

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Gene`s website entirety is Copyright (c) 1997- 2025 | WebSiteArchive | FAQ

Genes is a independent webmasterd not-for-profit bmx bicycling web site and is a
lead focal point for free access to documentation on bmx bicycling on the world wide web.
"BMX Bicycling Knowlegment And Internet Knowlegment Belongs To Everyone In The World"

***** Gene`s BMX *****
All Things Northwest in BMX!