Quincy Skate Park - Quincy, Washington USA

Quincy Skate Park
Quincy, Washington USA
About 35 miles South/East of Wenatchee on Highway 28.
City of Quincy - is a productive agricultural farming town.
The Quincy Skate Park is easy to find,
The Quincy Skate Park is located at the Quincys East Park at the east
end of town,
"just north of the swimming pool", baseball fields,
next to the -
Quincy BMX Track.
Welcome To The City Of Quincy Skate Park - Skate At Your Own Risk.
The Use Of Protecive Equipment ( helmets, knee & elbow pads, wrist guards )
Is Strongly Recommended! This Is Your Court - Please Take Care Of It.
Vandalism will not be tolerated! Be Respectful To Other Park Users.
Report All Deficiencies To City Of Quincy Parks Dept. - 509-787-4131.
Thank You. - Park Closes At 11:00 PM.
Photos Of The Quincy Skate Park 09-15-2005
Photos by Geneb - Gene`s BMX.com

( Click On Photo For More Photos! )

( Click on a Photo to see full sized Photo. )
Photos by Bill from Quincy on 04/08/2005
These are a few of the pics I took of the quincy skate park today.
The newer ramps were donated (I think by the lions club) and the
older ramp (box w/ rail) was purchased by the city.
Little to no input from the local riders was used in the purchasing or
placement of the new ramps which have been bolted down into there
current positions.
The park is an improvement but is still considered disliked by local
riders and considered to look like "a little kids big toy" by riders.
The Skate Park is not much but a slab of concrete and a small ramp with a rail.
But look at it this way, Least Quincy has a Skate Park of somewhats.

( Click on a Photo to see full sized Photo. )
Photos by Gene`s BMX.com on 10/04/2004
On April 10, 2004 on a small trip to Quincy, It seems that to
the right side( south )of the BMX track, that a somewhats
of a Skate Park
is forming, As a slab of concrete has been
put in to place, for ramps to be added in on it.
Eastern Washington Skate Parks Directory
***** Gene`s BMX *****
All Things Northwest in BMX!