Apple Capital Recreation Loop Trail - Wenatchee, Washington USA

Welcome To The
Apple Capital Recreation Loop Trail
*** Apple Capital Recreation Loop Trail ***
This 13-mile trail that runs along both sides of the Columbia River
in Wenatchee and East Wenatchee Washington. The Apple Capital
Recreation Loop Trail is one of the longest loop trail in Washington State.
This trail is popular with bicyclists, walkers, joggers and in-line skaters. In
the winter months, cross country skiers and snowshoers also share the trail.
Completed in 1994,
The Apple Capital Recreation Loop Trail brings a dream to reality.
The trail now serves thousands of commuter and recreation trail users each year.
Traveling on the trail starting at Wenatchee Confluence State Park you will see signs along
the trail identifying wildlife species found in the area. From there, head south and cross a
footbridge over the Wenatchee River continue south to Walla Walla Point Park Area where
youll find statues, children's play and swimming areas, baseball fields, sand volleyball courts.
Continue down south you will see Nile Saunders miniature steam train tracks that runs parallel
to a segment of the trail and the footbridge West, over the BNSF train tracks that takes you to
down town Wenatchee. or from there going south a boat launch and the footbridge crossing the
Columbia River Wenatchees Pipline Foot Bridge crossing the footbridge you can go south on the
trail going under the G.Seller bridge to the Douglas County Hydro Park or you can go north, on
to the east side of the trail you will see Jude's Oasis a small waterfall near the footbridge on the
crossing of the Columbia River. You can continue on you will see the trail head of 19th Street the
("Porters Pond Area") - there is a water fountain and a big statue plack about the Complete the
Loop Coalition Project. Going on the trail north, lots of wildlife then a trail crosses the Columbia
River on the Odabashian Bridge pathway, back to the Wenatchee Confluence State Park.
The Apple Capital Loop Trail is designated for nonmotorized pedestrian traffic only.
Motorized/electric scooters may NOT be operated on the Apple Capital Loop Trail.
The entire Apple Capital Loop Trail is actually managed by six different government agencies,
including: -
Chelan County PUD, |
Douglas County Parks, |
Washington State Parks
Washington State Department of Transportation,
and Cities of
Wenatchee and
East Wenatchee.

( Photos by
Gene`s BMX at the trail head of 19th Street EastWenatchee,)
Check Out Some Photos From Around The Loop Trail:
02/21/2002 - *
Photos Of The Wenatchee Apple Capital Recreation Loop Trail.
09/29/2010 - *
Photos Of The Wenatchee Apple Capital Recreation Loop Trail.
Chelan County PUD Apple Capital Loop Trail Web Page.
Loop Trail Etiquette: *
Loop Trail Map: * = .pdf file.
Loop Trail Extension Southeast 3rd Street To Hydro Park 2002.
Loop Trail Hawley Street Improvements Project 2002.
WSDOT US 2 E End Odabashian Bridge Loop Trail Connection 2009.PDF = .pdf file.
Complete The Loop = Wenatchee Wa.
Plans are in the works to extend the Apple Capital Loop Trail
north from the Odebashian Bridge to Lincoln Rock State Park.
Rocky Reach - Proposed 5 Mile Trail Information 2013-2015. = 
***** News And Happings Around The Loop Trail *****
Index: - The Loop Trail News Down Below Is Listed By Date, New To Old.
Newer Loop Trail News Listed Is Linked To An Array Of Internet Sources.
The Linked Sources Are At The End Of Each News Topic Link. Older News,
2010 - 1997 By Clicking On A News Topic It Will Open A New Page That Is
A Mass Page Of All News. The Page/File Is BIG! It May Be Slow Loading.
***** Year 2016 News *****
05/17/2016 - *
Proposal To Preserve Dunes Near Loop Trail - KPQ.
05/16/2016 - *
PUD Board Briefed On Opportunity To Partner With Land Trust To Protect Unique Property - P.U.D.
***** Year 2015 News *****
07/08/2015 - *
Grand Opening Ceremonies For Rocky Reach Trail - Empire Press.
07/07/2015 - *
Rocky Reach Trail Dedication - Wenatchee Outdoors.
07/04/2015 - *
A New Trail Opening, Extending The Apple Capital Loop Trail - The News Tribune.
03/27/2015 - *
Popular Trail Through Horan Natural Area Getting Much-Needed Maintenance - P.U.D.
***** Year 2014 News *****
07/09/2014 - *
Rocky Reach Trail Section Opens - Empire Press.
07/03/2014 - *
Rock Reach Trail - Ribbon Cutting - Wenatchee Outdoors.
05/07/2014 - *
Fundraising Under Way To Build New Hale Park - Gene`s BMX.
04/16/2014 - *
Repairs For Loop Trail Bridge Will Close Wenatchee River crossing - P.U.D.
02/17/2014 - *
Parlette Has Big Ideas For Rocky Reach Trail - Gene`s BMX.
01/17/2014 - *
Council Cautious About Hale Park Plans - Wen World - Gene`s BMX.
***** Year 2013 News *****
12/19/2013 -
Archived *
City, County Consider Buying Trail Front Property - Wen World.
12/05/2013 -
Funding The Rocky Reach Trail - Wen Outdoors.
11/20/2013 -
Archived *
Hale Park: Land Donor Not Crazy About Park Ideas - Wen World.
11/13/2013 -
Photos: Hale Park Proposed Land - Wenatchee, Washington USA - Gene`s BMX.
11/13/2013 -
Archived *
Trailblazer: Construction For First Phase Of 5 Mile Trail Starts - Wen World.
11/11/2013 -
Archived *
Loop Trail Extension Groundbreaking Ceremony Is Tuesday - Wen World.
10/17/2013 -
Hale Park Site Concepts .PDF File ( .PDF File ) - City Of Wenatchee.
10/05/2013 -
Photo: Hale Park Site Land From Black Pipline Foot Bridge South.jpg ( .JPG Photo )
09/27/2013 -
Archived *
Hale Park: Dog Area And Skateboard/BMX Park Top Ideas For Land - Wen World.
09/23/2013 -
Archived *
Hale Park: Public Input Sought On New Park Site - Wen World.
09/03/2013 -
Archived *
An Extraordinary Trail: Apple Capital Loop Trail - Wen Business World.
08/21/2013 -
Archived *
Ground Work Begins On Waterfront Apartments - Wen World.
07/19/2013 -
Archived *
For Those Who Love And Use The Loop Trail - Wen World.
07/03/2013 -
Archived *
State Budget Includes Money To Complete Loop Trail Extension - Wen World.
06/13/2013 -
Archived *
Eastside Trail Now Locally Owned - Wen World.
05/24/2013 -
Archived *
City Updates List Of Waterfront Projects - Wen World.
04/26/2013 -
Archived *
City Receives Loop Trail Park Land Donation - Wen World.
04/13/2013 -
Archived *
Pipeline Pedestrian Bridge Closed Monday - Wen World.
03/30/2013 -
Archived *
Breaking Trail: Rocky Reach Trail Extension - Wen World.
03/29/2013 -
Archived *
City Will Consider Doing Away With 20 Foot Buffers Along Waterfront - Wen World.
01/26/2013 -
Archived *
Wilf Woods: Support The Loop Trail Expansion - Wen World.
01/19/2013 -
Archived *
Getting In The Loop About The Loop Trail - Wen World.
***** Year 2012 News *****
12/14/2012 -
More Hazardous Trees Along Trail Need Work At Foot Of Fifth Street - P.U.D.
12/13/2012 -
Archived *
State: Lingering Trail Concerns Need To Be Resolved Soon - Wen World.
12/07/2012 -
Archived *
Loop Trail Work Begins: South Of 32nd Place N.W. - Wen World.
11/28/2012 -
Archived *
Loop Trail Ownership Transfer Slows Down - Wen World.
07/04/2012 -
Archived *
Rocky Reach Trail To Happen In Phases - Wen World.
05/30/2012 -
Archived *
Orondo Street Waterfront Gateway To Get Makeover - Wen World.
03/01/2012 -
Archived *
Trail Lawsuit Costs Tallied Up - Wen World.
02/28/2012 -
Archived *
Confusion Over Eastside Trail Protections - Wen World.
02/17/2012 -
Archived *
Proposal Would Give Eastside Trail To Local Jurisdictions - Wen World.
***** Year 2011 News *****
10/01/2011 -
Archived *
The Trail That Gordon Blazed - Wen World.
08/18/2011 -
Archived *
Supreme Court Denies Orchardists In Rocky Reach Trail Lawsuit - Wen World.
06/09/2011 -
Archived *
Breaking Trail: Mud And Debris On Loop Trail - Wen World.
03/09/2011 -
Archived *
State Supreme Court Hears Trail Case - Wen World.
01/26/2011 -
Archived *
Whats Next For The Trail? - Wen World.
***** Year 2010 News *****
11/09/2010 -
Agencies Ask WSDOT To Preserve Loop Trail Land
11/05/2010 -
Archived *
Monday Tree Work May Close Part Of Loop Trail - Wen World.
04/07/2010 -
Trail Opponents Take A Last Stand
03/09/2010 -
Board Bets On Rocky Reach Trail Extension
01/26/2010 -
Trail Supporters Shaking The Dust Off
***** Year 2009 News *****
12/04/2009 -
Trail-Extension Opponents Lose Appeal
09/02/2009 -
Bicyclist Injured On The Loop Trail
07/22/2009 -
Shortcuts Over Train Tracks Not An Option
07/10/2009 -
New Loop Trail Trailhead At Odabashian Bridge
07/01/2009 -
Opening The Loop Trail Open House August 4th
04/21/2009 -
Closer To Reimbursement Pipeline Bridge Repairs
04/11/2009 -
Security Cameras Help Nab Bridge Vandals
04/03/2009 -
Rocky Reach Trail Extension Makes Funding List
04/03/2009 -
Columbia River Pedestrian Bridge Work Continues
***** Year 2008 News *****
11/14/2008 -
Pipeline Bridge In Pretty Dang Good Shape
11/06/2008 -
Rocky Reach Trail Extension Fight Continued
08/04/2008 -
Loop Trail Project Under Way Another In Limbo
07/07/2008 -
Shooting Incident On Loop Trail One Dead
05/30/2008 -
Apple Capital Loop Trail Work To Begin Monday
05/19/2008 -
Apple Capital Loop Pedestrian Bridge Closed
04/15/2008 -
Orchardists Filed Appeals On Rocky Reach Trail Extension
04/14/2008 -
Pipeline Bridge Study Will Cost $156,000
03/25/2008 -
Douglas County Commissioners Approve Loop Trail Extension
03/20/2008 -
Hazard Trees To Be Removed From Confluence State Park
03/14/2008 -
Groups Using Pipeline Bridge Must Pay For Insurance
02/25/2008 -
Loop Trail Extension Public Hearing No Decision Yet
02/22/2008 -
Loop Trail Extension Plan For Another Round Public Hearing
02/01/2008 -
Loop Trail Pipeline Bridge Limit Of 20 People
01/10/2008 -
Apple Capital Loop Trail To Grow By 1,600 Feet
***** Year 2007 News *****
12/10/2007 -
Rock Island Hydro Park To Be Renamed
12/10/2007 -
New Pipeline Bridge Analysis Will Determine How Safe
12/07/2007 -
Pedestrian Pipeline Bridge Open For Now
11/21/2007 -
City Moves On Pipeline Bridge Problem
11/16/2007 -
Public On Same Page, Save Loop Trail, Loop Trail Will Stay
11/05/2007 -
Loop Trail Users Undaunted By Bridge Closure
11/03/2007 -
Pipeline Bridge May Be Off Limits By 2009
11/02/2007 -
Parlette Pushes To Save Loop Trail Access
11/01/2007 -
Reclamation Bridge Closing For Three Weeks
10/31/2007 -
Pipeline Bridge's Future Uncertain
10/25/2007 -
Pipe Collapse Could Close Pedestrian Bridge
10/04/2007 -
Parties Ponder Trail Extension
10/03/2007 -
State Prepares To Sell Eastside Waterfront
10/03/2007 -
Safety Questions For Pedestrian Bridge
08/01/2007 -
Trail Extension Rezone Improper, Judge Says
07/18/2007 -
No Decision Yet On Trail Extension
02/06/2007 -
Pedestrian Bridge Closures Camera Work
***** Year 2006 News *****
11/04/2006 -
Ruling Clears Path For Trail Extension
10/17/2006 -
Rebuttal Period Delays Rocky Reach Trail Decision
09/11/2006 -
Hearing Set On Loop Trail Extension
05/10/2006 -
No Hunting Near The Loop Trail
04/06/2006 -
Douglas County Hunting Ordinance And Loop Trail
03/21/2006 -
Bridge Update Begins — Loop Trail Detour In Effect Until Friday
03/14/2006 -
Riverfront Trail Section To Close For Repairs
02/20/2006 -
Visits Drop By Half At Confluence State Park
02/15/2006 -
Low-Hanging Wire 'Not A Danger' PUD Says
***** Year 2005 News *****
12/08/2005 -
PUD Starts Work To Move Route Farther From River
11/28/2005 -
Work Along Trail To Begin Today
11/23/2005 -
Loop Trail Section Won’t Be Paved Until Spring
11/20/2005 -
Riverside Drive Funding
11/07/2005 -
Wenatchee Riverfront - A Developing Controversy
11/03/2005 -
Dock Project To Close Linden Tree Of Loop Trail
11/02/2005 -
Eastside Trail Agreement
10/24/2005 -
Loop Trail Closed By Suicide Investigation
09/05/2005 -
Loop Trail Fire Burns 3 Acres
08/23/2005 -
Wenatchee Riverfront Road Plan Moves Ahead
08/12/2005 -
Orchardist’s Appeal Stops Proposed Trail In Its Tracks
06/21/2005 -
Confluence Viewing Area Closed Due To Leaning Tree
05/20/2005 -
Dog Owner Cited In Pit Bull Attack On Loop Trail
04/15/2005 -
Pit Bull Attacks Couple On Loop Trail
04/11/2005 -
Gang Member Arrested In Riverfront Park Assault
04/09/2005 -
Park Fence Protects Young Trees
04/08/2005 -
Protest Flags Appearing Along Loop Trail
03/14/2005 -
Loop Trail Lover Thinks Bush Bash Smells
03/10/2005 -
Wenatchee Loop Trail Extension Appeal Rejected
***** Year 2004 News *****
11/18/2004 -
Construction On New Dock Set For Spring
10/15/2004 -
Riverfront Park Boat Launch To Close For Maintenance
10/12/2004 -
New Boat Club Dock In Works For Riverfront
10/02/2004 -
Loop Trail Sternwheeler Plaza Replacing Pavers Project
09/30/2004 -
Columbia River Pedestrian Bridge Falling On Dark Times
09/24/2004 -
Waterfront Route Gets Final Approval
09/14/2004 -
Groups To Get Attorney Opinions On Trail Ease
07/23/2004 -
Fire Burns Area Near Wenatchee`s Loop Trail
06/19/2004 -
Loop Trail Lawsuit On Hold Until January
05/25/2004 -
The Waterfront: A New Vision
05/07/2004 -
Holdout Orchardist Hires New Attorneys
05/06/2004 -
Beekeeper Fears Proposed Trail Comes Too Close To Hives
04/02/2004 -
Riverfront Parks Hit With Gang Graffiti
03/25/2004 -
Happy Trails? Trail Deal Nearer, But Some Farmers Unhappy
02/20/2004 -
Finally, A New Waterfront Blueprint
01/27/2004 -
Loop Trail Extension Faces Legal Challenge From Orchardists
01/21/2004 -
Orchardists Demand Details On Loop Trail Extension Plan
01/19/2004 -
City Of Wenatchee Seeks Comment On Waterfront Plan
01/12/2004 -
Loop Trail Extension Approved: Opponents Say They May Appeal
***** Year 2003 News *****
12/19/2003 -
Endangered'Farmers Object To Extension Of Loop Trail To Rocky Reach
12/18/2003 -
Parking Fees Keeping Park Visitors Away
12/15/2003 -
Loop Trail Extension On Hearing Examiner Agenda
11/10/2003 -
Waterfront Planning Meeting
09/01/2003 -
Public To get Look At Rocky Reach Trail Plans
08/01/2003 -
Wenatchee Confluence State Park Parking Permit Fee
06/07/2003 -
Man Found Stabbed Near Loop Trail In Stable Condition
05/28/2003 -
Waterfront Plan Goes Forward
05/10/2003 -
Loop Trail - Riders/Walkers/Jogers Beware Going To Hydro Park
03/07/2003 -
State Parks Takes Step Toward Loop Trail Extension
03/05/2003 -
City Envisions A Waterfront With Fun Stuff, Too
02/25/2003 -
Waterfront Planning Meeting In Wenatchee
***** Year 2002 News *****
10/14/2002 -
Trail extension to Hydro Park is paved +
10/12/2002 -
Trail Repair Forces Detour
09/29/2002 -
Bank Employees Replant Section Of Loop Trail
08/05/2002 -
Notice Of Temporary Closure
07/31/2002 -
Southeast 3rd Street To Rock Island Hydro Park Starts +
07/16/2002 -
The Hawley Street Improvements Finnishing Up +
05/15/2002 -
Hawley Street Construction Project +
05/14/2002 -
Eastside Trail Going Downhill?
05/08/2002 -
Sweep The Bridge
03/01/2002 -
New Douglas County Office Building Going Up Near Loop Trail
01/10/2002 -
The Bridge That Links Downtown Wenatchee To Riverfront Park
***** Year 2001 News *****
12/03/2001 -
Loop Trail Supporter Dies
11/27/2001 -
Rocky Reach Trail Project Gets 'Green' Light
11/05/2001 -
Odabashian Bridge Project Finished
11/05/2001 -
More Room To Run, Ride Or Roll
05/31/2001 -
Pedestrian Overpass Finally To Be Built
04/28/2001 -
Study Gives Green Light To Loop Trail Extension
03/30/2001 -
Wenatchee Loop Trail Like Going On A Treasure Hunt
02/16/2001 -
Expanding The Community's Roots: Take Pride Pitches Loop Trail
***** Year 1999 News *****
06/06/1999 -
Loop Trail Supporter Questions Timing Of Meeting On Complaints
02/24/1999 -
He's Back On His Feet
02/17/1999 -
Take Pride Group Offers Reward In Graffiti Case
01/27/1999 -
Trail Backer Calls On DOT Chief To Help With Rezoning
***** Year 1998 News *****
05/18/1998 -
Loop Trail Dedicated In Salute To Cooperation
05/14/1998 -
Plaza on 'Trail Of Two Cities' Will Be Dedicated Saturday
05/11/1998 -
Bicycles Limited Only By Imagination
04/13/1998 -
Time For Douglas County To Nail Down A Decision:
What Will The County Build On 19th Street Property Near The River?
03/27/1998 -
Take Pride Begins Work On Loop Trail Rest Area
03/19/1998 -
Rocky Reach Trail Is On The Way
03/05/1998 -
Trail Backers Still Need Funds; Ask State To Remove Strings On
Grants: Extension Would Go From Olds Station Bridge To Lincoln Rock State Park
***** Year 1997 News *****
09/16/1997 -
Construction To Begin On Plaza For Apple Capital Recreation Trail
08/25/1997 -
Loop Trail Needs Repairs
08/13/1997 -
Waterworks Cafe Opens On Riverfront
08/13/1997 -
Pedestrian Bridge To Be Closed For Construction
07/16/1997 -
Riverfront Trail Now Open On Douglas County Side
06/24/1997 -
Rotary Clubs Envision Eastside Riverfront Park
06/18/1997 -
Where There's A Wheel There's A Way On The Loop:
Flooding Doesn't Deter Dedicated Cyclists From Riding Route
05/04/1997 -
Get Together And Build The Trail
03/19/1997 -
Riverbank Roust: Homeless People Lose Their Shelters As
The Chelan County PUD Does Its Spring Cleanup Along The Columbia River
Other Links Re: Apple Capital Recreation Loop Trail:
Chelan-Douglas Land Trust: =
apple-capital-loop-trail )
* = Eastmont Parks.
Washington Wildlife Columbia River Trail Grant = WWRP Projects 1992.
* = Photos-Info 1999.
NW Walk: Apple Capital Recreation Loop Trail Info. = Seattle Times 2006.
Biking The Wild And Tame Sides Of The Wenatchee Loop Trail. = Biking Bis 2009.
Loop Trail In Wenatchee Gives Great Views Of Columbia River. = Oregon Live 2012.
What A Ride! Apple Capital Loop Trail Wenatchee, Wa. = Northwest Revealed 2013.

***** Gene`s BMX *****
All Things Northwest in BMX!