People are always asking Gene`s BMX questions about the web site. How Did You Build Your Web Site? - Can You Give Me Some Tips? So, here is some Sources, Tips and Answers for you all. Making a great web site is also making your self a reputation. You need to be successful at presenting your ideas in an interesting manner, whatever your topic may be. -- Ignorance may be bliss for the one who writes the web site, but thats rarely the case for the one who visits it. -- If your web site looks unprofessional, so will your reputation. A great web site takes a lot of work, time and elbow grease. Gene`s BMX web site and pages are customized & made with, Hypertext Markup Language known as HTML code (Advanced) When making my web site or web pages I make my web pages, With My Owen, Original Template Framework Layout - Freestanding & Freehand Code, I type in the HTML code and text, key stroke by key stroke, - Absolute URL. And all inline with The World Wide Web Consortium ( W3C ) develops and technologies. And from some of the information and web tools that is listed on this web page. Creating a professional-looking web site/page - I Keep It Basic! I ask myself what my audience wants? I center my site design on their needs. Gene`s BMX does take time and looks at who makes up the target audience. - Most are BMX Bicycle Riders and Bicycle Industry's & Individuals. I put myself in their shoes and make the web site they want to see and the information the average user is seeking for BMX bicycling. Gene`s web site reaches thousands of people monthly from around the world. The web site does attract young and old - youth, teens and adults slightly more male than female for the web site audience. Ive put together this collection of links and tips, what I would consider good sites, ones that will make your visitors take you seriously. Im sure others may disagree in what they would consider a good site. You may choose to agree or disagree with anything on this page. But you should find this page pretty useful, maybe it will help you to uncover some things you forgot to think about. I hope that all the information listed on this web page can help all BMX webmasters & BMX websurfers to the best. Gene`s BMX wishes you luck, - Happy Web Building :-) Well, go ahead and dig in! |
Here is a Index listings of some Help Tips and Notes listed below. You can Click on a Topic and it should take you to that area, Or You can just surf down the page till you find what your looking for. ***** INDEX ***** 001 - The History And The Workings Of The World Wide Web 002 - Learning Web Design HTML & Web Accessibility For BMX 003 - Free Web Site Hosts For BMX + Geocities 004 - BMX Web Clip Art And BMX Web Banners 005 - Free BMX Photo File Hosts And Tips About Them 006 - About Flash & Free BMX Web Video Hosts + Tips 007 - Free Web Site Page Counters & Page Tool Stuff 008 - Free Submit/Add Your Web Site To Search Engines 009 - Add Google Web Search On To Your Web Site Free 010 - Free Message Boards - Forums For BMX Web Sites 011 - XML RSS Feed And Some Information About It 012 - PC & Email Virus Warnings Firewalls Spyware Help 013 - Why Did You Call This Web Page Links 13? & Some Quotes 014 - Spam - Junk E-mail Help A Fight Back Against Spam 015 - Anonymous Web Surfing Services - Privacy IP 016 - Windows XP Service Pack 3 Problems 017 - Miscellaneous Web Based Tools Also - Please note the standalone URL Links listed up-above for some sources. History And The Workings Of The World Wide Webthat began at Duke University in 1979. Usenet users can post messages to newsgroups that can be read (and responded to) by anyone who has access to the system through a newsreader. Over the years, the number of newsgroups has grown into the thousands, hosted all over the world and covering every conceivable topic. Today, Google Groups contains the world`s most comprehensive archive of Usenet postings, dating back to 1981. The World Wide Web was created at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland 1989-1990. Where the web was born: How the web began: How the web works: The first website: 2009 being declared the Year of Creativity and Innovation by the European Union, the 20th anniversary of the Web serves as a timely reminder of the powerful role that creativity in basic research plays as a driver of innovation. See - CERN Document Server (CDS) Over 650,000 bibliographic records, including 320,000 fulltext documents, of interest to people working in particle physics and related areas. Covers preprints, articles, books, journals, photographs, and much more. CERN's involvement in WWW - A Short History of Internet Protocols at CERN - ( Ben Segal / CERN PDP-NS ) - archived. The CERN httpd (also known as W3C httpd) is a generic public domain full-featured hypertext server which can be used as a regular HTTP server. Status of the CERN httpd - The World Wide Web (known as "WWW', "Web" or "W3") is the universe of network-accessible information, the embodiment of human knowledge. The World Wide Web began as a networked information project at CERN, where Tim Berners-Lee, now Director of the World Wide Web Consortium [ W3C], developed a vision of the project. - About The World Wide Web A Little History of the World Wide Web - From 1945 to 1995 ( Official Time Line ) -&- History of the Web Beginning at CERN - by Cheryl Gribble The History of Web Development Beginning at CERN (Centre Europen de Recherche Nucleaire) is a short history explaining how Tim Berners-Lee and others brought together the technologies needed to be able to share documents using Web browsers in a multi-platform environment which evolved from those humble beginnings into the World Wide Web as we know it today. A directory of related links about Web development and the history of the Web follows the bibliography. See: - ( More ) The World-Wide Web Consortium (W3C) More advanced users can get technical information directly from the documents on the World-Wide Web Consortium server (W3C) is the official information about the World Wide Web. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) develops interoperable technologies (specifications, guidelines, software, and tools) to lead the Web to its full potential. W3C is a forum for information, commerce, communication, and collective understanding. About the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) The publishing language used by the World Wide Web is HTML ( HyperText Markup Language). HTML gives authors the means to: Publish online documents with headings, text, tables, lists, photos, etc. Retrieve online information via hypertext links, at the click of a button. Design forms for conducting transactions with remote services, for use in searching for information, making reservations, ordering products, etc. Includes spread-sheets, and other applications directly in their documents. HTML 4.01 Specification - ![]() W3C Publishes HTML 5 Draft, Future of Web Content 01-22-2008: W3C today published an early draft of HTML 5, a major revision of the markup language for the Web. The HTML Working Group is creating HTML 5 to be the open, royalty-free specification for rich Web content and Web applications. "HTML is of course a very important standard," said Tim Berners-Lee, author of the first version of HTML and W3C Director. "I am glad to see that the community of developers, including browser vendors, is working together to create the best possible path for the Web." New features include APIs for drawing two-dimensional graphics and ways to embed and control audio and video content. HTML 5 helps to improve interoperability and reduce software costs by giving precise rules not only about how to handle all correct HTML documents but also how to recover from errors. Discover other new features, read the press release, and learn more about the future of HTML. ( Permalink ) ICANN was formed in 1998. To reach another person on the Internet you have to type an address into your computer - a name or a number. That address has to be unique so computers know where to find each other. ICANN coordinates these unique identifiers across the world. Without that coordination we wouldn't have one global Internet. *** The ( W3C ) WWW - World Wide Web Virtual Library + Usenet *** WWW Virtual Library / Virtual Library of Sports / Cycling / Cycling BMX ( alt.bmx ) - Usenet Newsgroup Discussion Of All Aspects Of BMX. ( alt.bmx ) = Google Groups Usenet Newsgroup Thread Archive. The alt.bmx Usenet Newsgroup Information ( Sources & FAQ ) The World Wide Web`s first BMX web site was established on 04/08/1995 to the home of New Jersey Bicycle Motocross ( BMX ) - Jeffrey Morgan. The web site is still active today:- ( ) is the World Wide Webs most comprehensive BMX related web site of BMX Links Listings and BMX Information Sources For BMX Race and BMX Freestyle. Gene`s BMX was established in Spring of 1997 and is leading the World Wide Webs BMXing community into full potential. A history of Gene`s BMX web site and bike stats can be found at: ( Geneb ) Learning Web Design HTML & Web Accessibility For BMXMaking a great web site is also making your self a reputation. You need to be successful at presenting your ideas in an interesting manner, whatever your topic may be. Ignorance may be bliss for the one who writes the web site, but thats rarely the case for the one who visits it. If your web site looks unprofessional, so will your reputation. If you don`t know HTML you can use a Page Wizard or Page Builder or Front Page Builder that offers web page design tools that don't require any knowledge of HTML, You just add in your stuff. You can create a somewhat ok looking web page for your self in a few minutes. This is what I call a "lazy mans way" of a web site or page design. Most of the fast page builders do show bad quality in a web site and that a webmaster is in to big of a rush to make a web site-page. Fast pages are not the best way to make a web site, But it does work to get your information on line. Be Original: Take some time and LEARN the HTML codes, put some TIME & QUALITY in to your work. Build your own web site. Be your own Web-Master and Author of the content you list. Lots of people around the world will see your work and also your reputation as well. Here are some Link Sources that can help you learn the basics of HTML also some tips. As listed up above in all of the links: How To Make a Web Site? A good book for starting out is " HTML for Dummies" by Deborah S. Ray & Eric J. Ray. On The Web: step by step how to`s, HTML Tutorials & Tools | | | Yahoo`s HTML Guides and Tutorials Dir. Also you can check out this nice index: Learning html Also: Web Development In The Classroom: Web Site Building For Kids! Once you learn the HTML codes and somewhat know what you are doing you are going to need to find a web host. Gene`s BMX web site started off in the spring of 1997 on free and was found to be a grate place to learn and to play around with HTML. For someone just starting out on learning HTML and also building a new web site I would say learn it and host it on one of the free web hosts till you get your self going and your web site gets to be bigger over time. You can find lots of free web site host places on the world wide web to get going. Most of the free places do offer you to use your own name as part of the domain. Learning it, Making it with the free web site hosts, the only thing it will cost you is your time as they are free places to host for you. Use them at your will. Once you get all of that going, take some time and play around with how to inline your text, links, photos, logos, bump them around some, get to know your lay out. In giving time you will have it mastered down. Have fun and take pride in your work as you are learning it. Try new things with the HTML on your web site. Once you get the basics down, Don`t give up, The biggest thing I see is someone will start and then just give up as it does take a lot of time to learn it all and get it all going. Gene`s BMX wishes you lots of luck, and Happy Web Building :-) Some Other Stuff To Keep In Mind Is Accessibility Of Your Web Site. Whenever someone introduces nontext elements to a web design such as java scrips w/moving elements or animations w/moving elements or plug-ins that extend the capabilities of a web site or pages even a web site page lay out with mass java loading forms or a page that has big photos that are not thumb nailed, Are slow loading and may not load in some peoples browsers or there computer is not formatted with high speed internet for viewing. This does reduce the accessibility of your web site and pages for your web site viewers/surfers. You also risk losing your audience if you require them to jump through hoops w/downloads to view your web site contents. Using off set files like .PDF is ok, that is, if your archiving contents. A .PDF file think about it. A tool hoop that makes people has to jump hoops to view it with its own browser. Using .PDF files does make your web surfers have to jump hoops. It is a web file tool that can risk on losing your audience. Also: Is your web site fitted for a 17" monitor? A 17" monitor is the basic size of a monitor on the everyday web surfin person`s PC. So, Do your web site viewers have to scroll in on your web site from left to right at bottom of the screen to view the full web site page? If so, your web site is not fitted for the basic every day web surfer to view your web site and its pages. Alot of web sites seen out there that are making a person have to use a scroll task bar on a web site page going left to right making it a pain to surf to see the full web site page. - Fix your web site pages to fit the basic everyday 17" monitor and your web site and pages will be a lot better for your web viewers to surf, people will be back. You don`t risk losing your web site audience this way. Closed Source "Register" To View Web Site Contents & Pay To View Web Sites. Web sites are of high risk of losing a lot of web site audience if they do require people to jump through hoops to view web site contents. IE: Closed/Pay Sources. In the BMXing community the target audience is of youth and young people. So it has been found that BMX web sites that are sat up as Closed/Pay Source, it does block out a lot of the youth and young people. In all, it does more harm for BMX on the world wide web as it scares people away from the sport of BMX. So think twice if you are thinking of hosting a BMX web site that is a Closed/Pay Source. The more a web site reduces the accessibility of a web site and pages for youth and young people, The web site has more of a big high risk of losing the audience. Don`t for get, you might want to be promoting BMX than is to be demoting BMX. Open Source for all to view it, is the way to go if your web site is topic BMX. Accessibility for all is the key if you want to present a successful BMX web site. Some Commentary And Quotes About Some Closed/Pay Source BMX Web Sites. 07/29/2009 - Gene`s BMX Delists BMXmuseum dot com, Commentary Quote. 12/27/2007 - Gene`s BMX Blasts Go211 Web Site, Web Cast. - Commentary. 10/21/2007 - Gene`s BMX Applauds To Pay BMX Site To Close. 06/21/2007 - NBL & BMX Direct Connect To Offer Webcasts - Commentary Quote. 11/17/2006 - ABA BMX Pay BMX Web Site Adding $Price Tag Commentary. 09/12/2006 - Gene`s BMX Quotes About Vintage BMX Pay Forum. 07/01/2006 - The Spin Of Pay BMX Web Sites In The Internet Commentary. 03/27/2005 - ISTV Pay BMX Site Web site - "Ya" Right, Give BMX a Brake!. BMX Web Surfers, BMX Web Viewers Please Note: If a BMX web site charges you money to view any of its BMX contents on the world wide web, It is a Scam! as most BMX contents on the web can be found for FREE! Just a nice heads up to help save your money. Note: Yahoo! Groups, Forums Post Boards, Blogs, Chat rooms, Guest Books, extra. They are just WEB TOOLS, They are NOT a web site. Adding a web page tool is grate for a web site add-on. Your viewers in all don`t have to register, jump hoops to view your web site contents by adding a page tool, but they will if they want to submit/post news or place comments in on your web tools. Your keeping your web site open to all to view this way. On most of the web tools said above the web tools does offer opts for the webmaster to have the tool closed or open. If you want people to surf in and join your web tool, you may want to have it open so people can see the contents. The more surfers see the more chance you have at gaining a new member on to your web page tool. Myspace, Facebook, Twitter are social networking interactive site tools baced by user-submitted network personal profiles and group blogs that do target to personal dating services adds. Just about everything about them is same, In the most, they are the world wide web`s board of spam. There bace set ups are of a interactive bulletin board system of personal adds and services to a style to where people can set up live blogs to chat each other, some what like a forums post boards but via on a profile page. If you like spam, and you are a dumb-founded person then social networking places like Myspace, Facebook, Twitter are places for you. Them places are a wast. Be smart, take the time and learn the backbone of the web to make your own web site and pages. - Be Original! - it is more fun and respected. Also Note: ( A Heads Up About The World Wide Web ) Once someone puts content information, like posts a web site/page or a post in on a web page tool like a forums post board extra. on to the world wide web even if the content information is deleted latter on, it can still be locked in to the world wide web for ever and will always be on the web for people to see. Web bots do craw in on the web and do archive the web`s contents. This is how the world wide web works, The Web Does Archive Contents. So think hard before you put your personal information or contents that you do not want others to see or have out there. If you don`t want people to see or have it, don`t post it on to the world wide web. Don`t be fooled, Even if some places say your content is safe, it is not. Nothing is too safe on the world wide web as the web is a project set of protocols and conventions. -- Be Safe and Have Fun Everyone. Information Sources About Web Archive Wayback Machine: It is a digital library that provides access to researchers. Web Archive, Wayback Machine: - Also: See: ( FAQ ) Gene`s BMX shows a public working draft of the web archive workings using some of BMX internet coverage links. On: to show information of a BMX document after close of a sub URL structure. The web archive shows direction to an approache to help keep the dead closed out URL BMX page documents existing on to the world wide web. Also See: Gene`s Links List [-Archived-] For More BMX Archived Web Sites. Free Web Site Hosts For BMX + GeocitiesSome Recommendations For Free Web Site Host Services Are: * - Free - 20MB Of Disk Space. * - Free - 30MB Of Disk Space. * - Free - 150MB Of Disk Space. * - Free - 20MB Of Disk Space. * - Free - 40MB Of Disk Space. * - Free - Unlimited Space. * - Free - 5GB Of Disk Space. * 50 - Free - 50MB Of Disk Space. ~~ Also Some Other Places: * - Free. * - Free. * - Free. For More Free Web Site Hosts Places, See Index: * ![]() 04/24/2009 - ![]() - New GeoCities Accounts Are No Longer Available. After careful consideration, Yahoo! has decided to close GeoCities later this year. They will share more details this summer. For now, please sign in or visit the help center for more information..... ![]() ( ) was found to be one of the best places on the web to host a FREE BMXing or Bicycling web site. Was a good place to start. When Yahoo! switched off the servers for, the Web host service, on Oct. 26th, some 7 million of the Internets first web sites went dark forever. * Boards in Yahoo! GeoCities - Yahoo! Message Boards * Geocities File Manager - Yahoo! Message Boards * * Will my GeoCities web site be archived? * - Internet Archive Saving a Historical Record of GeoCities * - GeoCities Web Site Archive * - Keeping GeoCities Alive Archive * Gene`s BMX News -- GeoCities Close Down Is Oct 26th With Yahoo!`s ( ) free web site host closing down on October 26th, 2009 Gene`s BMX has seen a good hand full of e-mails asking what other free web site hosts would we recommend for them to use or move to... See Above List. BMX Web Clip Art And BMX Web Bannersor and look in the photos area of the search is the eazyest way to do it. Also a heads up, Alot of the web site places will charge for use. Save your money and just keep huntting on the web for free clip art as there are alot of free places. If it is not free for bmxers, it is not worth your time. Here are a few places that has been found that has bmx clip art for use. * * Photoed BMX Clip Art - * BMX Web Banners: A web banner or banner ad is a form of advertising on the World Wide Web. This form of online advertising entails embedding an advertisement into a web page. It is intended to attract traffic to a website by linking them to the web site of the advertiser. Most BMX web banners are sized to a 468 X 60 or a 251 X 210 A good source for BMX banners to add in to and on to your site * Or you can do a search like on or to find more. To find or make other web clip art and web banners, check out some of the links listed up above on page. Animated Emoticons, the smilies and emoticons in some forums. They can be found on the web at: * Create Your Own Sign And Banner Generators: * * - Make Free Banners. * - Big Index Brand Names Listed. * - Sign Generator KFC. * - Big Index Listed. * Sign Generators) * Generators) A Lot of people do not like add banners, advertisements when they surf the web: Adblock Plus - is an extension for Firefox, Thunderbird, and several other applications with the primary goal of removing advertisements. Block all ads automatically, no distractions Browse faster and safer Fully customizable, you are in control. - Gene`s BMX Uses This Tool. It does remove advertisements add banners from web sites when you surf the web. Sometimes it does remove legit banners and logos on some sites but it helps get rid of them unwanted Google advertisements on web sites. Adblock Plus is a well worth your time tool to add on to your web browser. Free BMX Photo File Hosts And Tips About ThemTo help save some space on your web site, You can think about using some of the places listed as a sub host, link back to the photos to your web site. Gene`s BMX has found that (Page) is a nice free photos host. You can upload 200 photos per album and create as many albums as you want. FaceBook Pages looks to be of the best to host photos for Open Source photos. Want to host photos? Check out FaceBook: A Webmaster Hint Note Tip: Facebook Photos & Others: To save some space on your web site, use a photo host to host your photos. Make yourself a free photohost account, post your photos in to and on them, Then just use a the photo URL from the photo host and link it back onto your web site or web page. It does save lots of space on your web site. Here is how Gene`s BMX has done this - *~This is also a KEY way to sending photo(s) in E-mail messages to people. Please See:- ( Gene`s BMX Photos Note ) ![]() You can Create a photo album. It is Free! (Ad supported) Share photos with friends around the world. Signing up is FREE and only takes a few seconds. Download the latest versions of Webshots software. All of the Webshots software is free and small too. The MyPhotos Assistant software makes uploading and sharing your photos in the Webshots Community a snap! Upload multiple photos to your albums quickly,and manage your albums more effectively. *** Other Free Photos Hosts You can Create a photo album. It is Free! (Ad supported) ImageShack® is an intuitive and easy-to-use free image hosting solution. It can be used to Upload An Image With Out An Account and share pictures with friends, as well as to post images on message boards and blogs. It can also be used to direct link images on web sites and online fourms. - This is one of the BEST places to use to post your photo(s) for free in on any of the BMX forums boards listed. - Give it a try! - You can Create a photo album. It is Free! (Ad supported) Photobucket provides free video and photo sharing. Easily host and link your images and videos to social networks, auction sites, blogs, and message boards. Photobucket is reliable and very easy to use. Give it a try! - Z Share - is a free image file hosting provider, and its mainly used to share files that are too big to be sent via e-mail. With zSHARE you can host files, images, videos, audio and flash on the same place and as long as they remain active they can be downloaded unlimited times. Others: + + + + + + + - Index List. *** If you are hosting photos on your own web site Here are some places and tools that may help you out. Coppermine Photo Gallery's - Coppermine is a multi-purpose fully-featured and integrated web picture gallery script written in PHP using GD or ImageMagick lib with a MySQL backend. For more see - IrfanView is a very fast, small, compact FREEWARE (non-commercial use) graphic viewer for Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003. It is trying to be simple for beginners and powerful for professionals. IrfanView was the first Windows graphic viewer WORLDWIDE with Multiple (animated) GIF support. One of the first graphic viewers WORLDWIDE with Multipage TIF support. The first graphic viewer WORLDWIDE with support. Batch Thumbs v1.7 ( Free Ware ) Batch Thumbs can create high quality thumbnail sized images from a list of image files you specify. Supports gif, bmp, jpg, wmf, and emf. Can also do batch renames, conversions, and copies. Will optionally create HTML with links back to original image. Fast operations, and an easy to use wizard style interface. Batch Thumbs is great for fitting in photos on to any web site page to save your viewers loading time. A Thumbs up! About Flash & Free BMX Web Video Hosts + Tipstakes forever to load. Here are some links to online resources for Flash. | - Flash Tutorials and Samples | - What is Flash? 80% of Internet Users/Consumers Hate Flash Intros - Survey Says Don't fool yourself into thinking it's slow Internet connections that causes people to hate Flash. If people want a movie, They will go to the theater, Time to face facts: people dislike Flash. If your web site has a Flash intro, 'skip intro' shouldn't your better judgment kick in? People will not surf your web site much. ~~ Free Web Video Files Hosts For BMX Just like photos, Videos they can to suck up your web site space fast. To help save some space on your web site, You can think about using some of the places listed as a sub host, link back to the videos to your web site. | | | | Im shore that there are lots more out there to pick from. A good Source to surf and look where other people host some of there BMX videos is at: ( ) A good way to find out. On some web sites you can right click and `Save As' the BMX video files on to your PC hard drive and some you can not like Streaming Videos. So, How To Save As, Streaming BMX Video Files Like On YouTube,. For those of you interested in saving these types of BMX videos: 1. Use Mozilla/Firefox Browser instead of Microsoft I.E. Browser. 2. Download the DowloadHelper extension for Mozilla/Firefox Browser. 3. Most streaming videos like on Youtube, etc are in the .flv format and windows media player will not play them. But It has been found that the VLC Media Player plays .flv files, So also install the VLC Media Player. 4. Save and watch your favorite BMX videos as often as you like this way. ~~ How To Produce A Live Video BMX Web Casts I thought maybe people should know on how "easy" and "cheap" it really is to do and to broadcast a live video BMX web casts feed on to the world wide web. Actually it is all pretty simple, a laptop, web cam, and a internet connection. See: ( ) ~~ Some Web Video File Viewing Players Windows Media Player (Download Center) Windows media player that provides the best experience for discovering, playing, and taking your digital entertainment anywhere on Windows XP- based PCs and the widest choice of portable devices. (IE: WMV format). Quicktime Player 6.5+ works well for viewing .mov files. A free down load DivX Play gives you everything you need to start watching high-quality DivX videos including rented or purchased movies (Windows 2K/XP). Down Load - ~~ Web Video Information Sources How can I put sound and video into my web pages? PHPmotion Media Sharing CMS Free Video Sharing Software Free Web Site Page Counters & Page Tool StuffFree custom web tracker hit counter and web stats. Get a free W3Counter hit counter for your web site and get access to real-time stats about your web site! All you have to do is insert a small piece of code on your site and you'll be able to monitor and analyze all your site visitor activity with the Sparklit Web page Tools Web Polls, Surveys and Emails give a visitor to your site more to do and provide them with a forum for their comments and opinions. It is very positive. Services are: Counters | Guest Books | Web Polls | Survey Logix Mail Forms | Ad Butlers | Ad Stores | and more.... For Other Counters & Page Tools, Check the links listed up above. Free Submit/Add Your Web Site To Search EnginesAdd your Web Site URL to Google - Add your Web Site URL to Yahoo! - A hint note about the Google & Yahoo! search engines, Once a URL does get listed in on both of them, ( the 2 top Searchs on the web ) It seems that alot of others search engines will/may pick up your url, as other search bots crawl the web looking for new url addresses and information to add. Also something to keep in mind is " META Tags" for Search Engines in your web page(s) headdings. "Keywords", Sneak in a few extra words into your web page meta tag for other search engines to index. So search engines returns a cleaner description. META Tags are used as part of your HTML code. Some "Spiders/Bots" uses the information contained within META Tags to index your Web page. In most cases a Spider will grab only the first few words, sentences or paragraphs and use those words as the description and keywords for your Web page. META Tags on the other hand tell the Spider what info to use. A Free META Tag Builder - ~~~~ Other Free submit/add your web site address url Places. Add Search Submit | Add URL Submits A News Clip with a reply quote, why a web site URL dont show in search engines. 01/31/2008 - Re: Wenatchee City Web Site Gets Lost In Online Add Google Web Search On To Your Web Site FreeGoogle Free web search is as easy to implement as a simple copy and paste. Just highlight the code , right-click to copy it, then paste it into the HTML on your own site. Google Free is a search that's fast, easy and yes, absolutely free! Treat your visitors to the same search service you use yourself. With Google Free, it costs nothing to provide a Google search results to users who want to search the web or just your website. logo`s - documentation and source codes are available at: Free Message Boards - Forums For BMX Web - Is The Top Social Media Message Board. Millions of people use Facebook everyday to keep up with friends, upload an unlimited number of photos, share links and videos. Gene`s BMX FaceBook Profile -&- FaceBook Page. + Test Driving by Gene`s BMX InvisionFree is a Free Forum Host and looks stable out of Bowie, MD USA So fare this place looks better then phpbb88 forums I am on/using on my web site. This place has less adds and does not look like a spam trap. As of September 2010 Gene`s BMX is setting up house and test driving it. + Used by Gene`s BMX Moved: Used by Gene`s BMX + Used by Gene`s BMX Phpbb88 & Atfreeforum Open Source bulletin forums board FREE. Both Phpbb88 & Atfreeforum is owned by Noeclue Pte Ltd. Singapore 2006 - 2010 this free open source bulletin forums board was nice. NOTES: The summer of 2010 Phpbb88 & Atfreeforum free open source bulletin forums board keeps on tweaking with stuff and making it to hard for users and web surfers to enjoy. As of September 2010, One week it is this, the next week it is that. Mass flash add banners makes for the forums to load slow. Also the add banners are of spam and drug adds. Noeclue has turned Phpbb88 & Atfreeforum Fourms in to a spam trap. ~Recommendations: If you are looking for a free open source bulletin forums board, find some other place as this place hosts to many slow loading off topic spam add banners and some adult content add banners along with drug add banners that does make a forums board look vary un-professional. The support is not reliable to its users. = Spam trap! Yahoo! Groups A popular free service that lets you easily set up your own mailing list message board "community". Yahoo! Groups boards are nice and easy hosted. These message boards are fully customizable and offer a dazzling array of helpful features and options. "Share photos & files, plan events, send a newsletter" "Stay in touch with friends and family" "Discuss sports", health, current events, and more - Yahoo! Groups Information & Help Yahoo! Groups Home - Yahoo! Groups Help - Yahoo! Groups Moderator Central - An announcement only group to inform Yahoo! Groups users about upcoming downtime and other potentially useful information about Groups. - Gene`s BMX News Note About Yahoo! Groups. 09/14/2007 --- ( Technical Source ) As of fall 2007 Yahoo! Groups is experiencing some difficulties for lots of people. It has been found that a big hand full of ISP`s world wide are blocking people from sending email messages in to Yahoo! Groups. People can log in to the web bace of a Yahoo! Group and post a message that way. But a mass amount of people can not send email to post a message in to the Yahoo! Group. - Use Yahoo! Groups At Risk. ~~~~ Other places on the web to check out are: phpBB is a high powered, fully scalable, and highly customizable Open Source bulletin board package. phpBB has a user-friendly interface, simple and straightforward administration panel, and helpful FAQ. Based on the powerful PHP server language and your choice of MySQL, MS-SQL, PostgreSQL or Access/ODBC database servers, phpBB is the ideal free community solution for all web sites. Sparklit Webpage Tools sparklit offers a Free web hosted Forums board to add on to a web site or you can link up to it..... vBulletin customizable forums package for your web site. ( Pay ) This is what uses for there forums boards. Schwinn seems to have lack of understanding human knowledgement on running its forums to its fullest potentials. Ignorance may be bliss for people running it. But vBulletin does list how to`s in its information. ~~~~ Other places on the web to check out are: / / / For Other Bulletin Boards For Your Web Site See: Source bulletin board package XML RSS Feed And Some Information About Itweb content ( such as bmx news headlines or new content on the world wide web exta. ). Using a RSS feed, it displays the newest messages in your web log, otherwise known as web blog or you can view them in an RSS reader and inbedded on web sites. Need a Free RSS Reader? ( Pluck! RSS Reader is used by Gene`s BMX ) Pluck RSS Reader brings you continuous updates from your favorite web sites. Pluck RSS Reader is like having an email inbox for the Internet, right in Internet Explorer. Its Easy to use and its FREE! Download Other RSS News Readers and Info - - ( A HTML Web-Base RSS Reader ) - ( A HTML Web-Base RSS Reader ) Or you can surf and search Yahoo! for other RSS Readers - ~~~ Displaying RSS news feeds on to your web site or pages? Or Convert a RSS Feed to on to your web site or site pages. Here are some Java script RSS feed maker that you can use FREE that will feed like a Forums Groups first 5 message or more posts. You just make a scrip source code, past the java scrip on to your web site or web pages. * / build * * * * feed on to web page RSS Specifications - Everything You Need To Know About RSS * / display-rss.htm * You just add any RSS URL that runs a RSS feed and you can use it that way. Using RSS Feeds in your web pages is just a cut 'n paste away!............ But remember, what ever is displayed in the feed/posts will also be displayed on your site, Its sorta scarry becouse you have no control on what gets posted. Here is a link to what Gene`s BMX lists on site, and how it is set up, Note the first 5 news links are set up useing the above targeting in to my Forums Board Gene`s BMX News. bmx sites the have RSS feeds. Not all sites listed. PC & Email Virus Warnings Firewalls Spyware HelpSeeing a Reported Attack Page on a web site? = ( Photo Screen Rip.jpg ) It is like and the Firefox browser are holding web sites and pages hostage. The Problem is with peoples browsers: Note: This will only happen in the Firefox Browser because Mozilla has a relationship with Google. Google cannot actually change your website. In 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 it has been found that Google Adds, The Google advertising banners that people use to add on to and junk up there web site with has been tripping false warnings of the Reported Attack Page via on the Firefox browser. Idea, Remove Google Adds. And -OR- * A Small Fix: Using the Firefox browser? On Firefox browser, Click on (Tools) then (Options) then on the top click on (Security) then UN-check the box called (Block Reported Attack Page ) then reboot the Firefox browser then the Reported Attack Page should be gone. -- For other web browsers check your browser Security settings if you are seeing the Reported Attack Page. - Good Luck Everyone! CC - 03/19/2010 - Reported Attack Page On Phpbb88 ----------------------------- / Symantec - a trusted security partner for individuals and enterprises around the world. Founded in 1982. IPO June 23, 1989. Symantec, the world leader in Internet security technology, provides a range of content and network security software and appliance solutions to individuals, enterprises and service providers. The company is a leading provider of client, gateway and server security solutions for virus protection, firewall and virtual private network, vulnerability management, intrusion detection, Internet content and email filtering, and remote management technologies and security services to enterprises and service providers around the world. *** Symantec Security Response Bug Threats - Category 3 and up *** ~~~ HELP INFORMATION ~~~ Threat Assessments, Technical Details, Recommendations, Removal Instructions [ Name of Threat ] - [ Date Discovered ] See: ***** False Virus Warnings Floting About ***** As a general rule, acting on forwarded email warnings is not one of the best ways to protect yourself from viruses — and not just because the majority of such warnings are hoaxes. In a sense, all virus warnings are misleading because they lend the false impression that as long we watch out for specific file attachments. List of hoaxes at: and - Computer Virus Hoaxes *** Reward To Stop Viruses, & Mimail Virus Spreads *** WASHINGTON (AP) -- 11/05/2003 Microsoft Corp. announced Wednesday it is creating a $5 million reward program to help law enforcement identify and convict those who illegally release worms, viruses and other types of malicious programs on the Internet. ( More ) Yahoo`s Guide To Online Security Protecting your privacy and information online is extremely important to Yahoo!. We are constantly evaluating our security technologies to ensure we are taking every reasonable step to protect your personal information. You can help too. ~~~~ Firewalls & Spyware Adblock Plus - is an extension for Firefox, Thunderbird, and several other applications with the primary goal of removing advertisements. Block all ads automatically, no distractions Browse faster and safer Fully customizable, you are in control. - Gene`s BMX Uses This Tool. It does remove advertisements add banners from web sites when you surf the web. Sometimes it does remove legit banners and logos on some sites but it helps get rid of them unwanted Google advertisements on web sites. Adblock Plus is a well worth your time tool to add on to your web browser. Malwarebytes products have a proven record of protecting computers by completely removing all forms of malware, including viruses, Trojans, spyware, adware and rootkits. When it comes to the safety of your computer, Malwarebytes provides the ultimate in protection from the cutting edge of technology! Software leads the security software industry protecting the active users around the globe. Distributing FREE antivirus software that makes no compromises in terms of protection. The Microsoft Security Essentials page talks for its self. Get tools and information for computer safety, internet safety, and maintaining digital privacy from the Microsoft Safety and Security Center. AVG Free Basic Protection Free virus protection for private and non-commercial use only. Free spyware protection for private and non-commercial use only. Anti-Virus - Protects you against viruses, worms and trojans. Anti-Spyware - Protects you against spyware, adware and identity-theft. Anti-Spam - Filters out junk email. Firewall - Protects you against hackers and network intrusions. Comodo Free Protection - No renewal or update fees ever! FREE Firewall, Free Anti Malware, Free Web Authentication, Free Freeware AntiVirus Free Email Security ZoneAlarm Firewall Protection OR - Zone Alarm A PC firewall that keeps your personal data and privacy safe from Internet hackers and data thieves. ZoneAlarm doubles your protection with Cookie Control and Ad Blocking for a faster, safer Internet experience. ZoneAlarm delivers easy, and complete protection. Advanced MailSafe email attachment protection. Automatic Intrusion Blocking, Improved Program Control, Enhanced Hacker Tracking, Performance Ad Blocking, Cookie Control, Pop-up Ad Control : ZoneAlarm Firewall. - Protect yourself from "Spyware" with this handy free utility. (Spyware consists of sneaky software programs that use your Net connection--usually to report data to advertisers--without your approval or knowledge). Ad-aware removes spyware on your PC and scans your memory, registry and hard drive for known spyware components. Other - AVG Anti-Virus / Black Ice Defender Firewall. Spybot-S&D / Security Information. McAfee / Analyze / Shields Up PC Port Probe. Why Did You Call This Web Page Links 13? & Some QuotesIt was the 13th day of February 1997 I was standing on my toilet hanging a clock, then I fell, I hit my head on the sink and had a vision, It was the vision of this web site and in that vision was a Flux Capacitor which makes this web site possible. Gene`s is Powerd by a 1000 gigawatt flux capacitor. That is a lot of gigawatts. In all, I do not know why I called this Web Page Links 13. - I just did, - No reason, thats why. Gene`s BMX Quotes: On How To Produce A Live Video BMX Web Casts I thought maybe people should know on how "easy" and "cheap" it really is to do and to broadcast a live video BMX web casts feed on to the world wide web. Actually it is all pretty simple, a laptop, web cam, and a internet connection. See: ( ) Gene`s BMX Quotes: A Cost To Have A Web Site On The World Wide Web. If you have an internet connection you can use one of the free web hosts and then it does not cost you nothing but your hard work and your time. Its Free! ~ Using a ISP `internet connection' and having a domain name and the host to put everything on, It costs me ( ) about $280.00 a year to have my web site out on the world wide web, year 2002-2008. There are some people and places out there that do quote it costs a lot of money to have a great web site on the web. I would say if anyone pays more than $500.00 a year to have a web site on the web, that they are full of it and they are getting suckerd... In Wenatchee, Washington the city of Wenatchee launched a new updated web site in Dec./Jan. 2007-2008 and in news press releases they have quoted it has cost them $75,000 to $100,000 to do so. -- Less get real this sounds and looks like someone is suckering the city of Wenatchee out of money. - News Post Sources: 01/31/2008 - Re: Wenatchee City Web Site Gets Lost In Online 12/20/2007 - Re: City Launches New $75,000 Web Site Dont get me wrong, there new web site lay out and URL looks nice but I say that they are full of it and they are getting suckerd out of money big time. If can have a web site for about $280.00 a year, I ask why are they, The city of Wenatchee, paying much! much! more? - Think about it... Spam - Junk E-mail Help A Fight Back Against Spammessages. I am a active contributor to BMX/Bicycling email forums of various sorts. It get me lots of Spam junk email because of spammers harvesting my email address from newsgroups, email lists, chat groups, etc... This is a big problem in the USA. and around the world. What can you do about it, Check out: Fight Back Against Spam with Washington State Law - ( spam elimination tool ) FREE! [older exe 1.33 on hand?] This is a way to check and manage your emails before you download them. MailWasher is a powerful email checker with effective spam elimination. Discover the safe way to stop unwanted viruses and emails before they get to your computer. Finding it hard to be removed from mailing lists? Getting harassed by someone on your email? Tired of getting junk email from unknown sources? Why not make them think you no longer exist by bouncing back their email so it looks like your address has been closed down. Not only this you can Blacklist junk email senders. The Is works the best to get rid of junk email senders AKA Spamm! MailWasher is Free!!!, MailWasher NOTE: Gene`s BMX News: - 09/21/2007 To all of the people in the North Central Washington area that are having problems with the spam elimination tool, MailWasher. It has been found in the last few days that people using the ISP NWI Northwest Internet, that you can not bounce back spam email We have got a hold of NWI asking why and they have told us that they will not support the MailWasher spam elimination tool. That is all we know. It is strange that NWI is the only place on the globe over the last few days has blacked out people from using this tool. So if your ISP is NWI please note that you can NOT now bounce back spam emails using the MailWasher tool. -- How nice of (NWI) to black people out so now the people will have to get all the spam emails and take a BIG risk of getting unwanted viruses from spam. I do not know much more on why they have blacked people out so Im going to say if your ISP is NWI, give them a phone call and ask them why. ~~ MailWasher Information Sources Bouncing Spam with MailWasher. Anonymous Web Surfing Services - Privacy IPAnonymizer - A very useful site that lets you surf the Web without leaving a trail of personal information about yourself across cyberspace. Anonymizer offers unlimited free trial access. You can either surf anonymously via the site's online version or you can download the free version of Anonymizer's "Privacy Button," a tool that downloads into Internet Explorer's toolbar. Windows XP Service Pack 3 Problemsinstalled the new Windows XP Service Pack 3 | August - September 2008. ![]() Microsoft Service Pack 3 (AKA) Windows XP Service Pack 3 -SP3, as computers go into the endless reboot loops at Windows started up. Gene`s BMX Notes: My system keeps rebooting but after 8 or 12 tries it does seem to boot up. Iv found that if you un-plug the internet modem so the computer can not get on the world wide web, I have no rebooting problems and the desk top loads. But this make a big problem, I can not get on the world wide web then. So I am stuck having to let the computer reboot 8 or 12 tries with the internet modem pluged in till it loads up the desk top. Service pack 3 has problems. ~Some found information sources that may help if you are having problems:~ 01 - ( Jesper's Blog - Does Your Computer Boot After Installing XP-SP3:.. ) 02 - ( How To Remove Windows XP Service Pack 3 From Your Computer: ) 03 - ( Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 3 (SP3) Download And Notes:.. ) 04 - ( Microsoft Information about Windows XP Service Pack 3:.................. ) 05 - ( Microsoft Fixes Included In Windows XP Service Pack 3 List:............ ) 06 - ( Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack SP3 *Tech Net Forum Posts*:.. ) After installing SP3 on my computer, I have no internet connection. If you are using ZoneAlarm as your firewall, then that will cause you to lose internet connectivity if you install Windows Update 951748 (with or without SP3). You must update to the latest fix of ZoneAlarm: Miscellaneous Web Based ToolsDummiez Book Cover Maker - make a dummy book cover. Free Subdomains - dns, static dns, subdomain and domain hosting. Free Hit Counter - make a web visitor counter. Foto - upload photos, add effects. Morse Code Maker - english to morse code translator. Online Logo Generator - make a free logo online. Online Note Pad - online application note pad. Preview - preview HTML codes live. RSS/XML Feed Reader - type in a RSS feed URL "view RSS feed". Scrap Book - make a photo scrapbook online. Web Generators Index - 10,000+ online generators links. Web 2.0 Index - software/tools that run from a website. What Is Your Ip Address? - look up your IP address. ~~~ Google Gadgets - powered by ~~~ * | Directory Gadgets | BMX Gadgets. Gadgets powered by are miniature objects made by Google users like you that offer cool and dynamic content that can be placed on any page on the web. You can use gadgets to make your webpages even more interesting. Cool Google Gadgets - Multiple RSS Reader | Chat FileSend A free file delivery service. They give a generous 120 MB of space for you to upload your files and send to your friends! Unlimited downloads! Gene`s BMX is giving the a small test drive. So fare so good. - They seem to work well hosting mp3`s. ~On Top Of A Page It Says, Name Of.mp3 Download File: 00MB ~At Bottom Of Page Click On The Yellow Button, Says Download. The down fall, Files not downloaded for more than 60 days are automatically deleted. But this is still a good service.... - Is A Free Online Image Tool And Utilities Service. Pixlr image editing capabilities is very easy and is completely free. A Lot of people do not like add banners, advertisements when they surf the web: Adblock Plus - is an extension for Firefox, Thunderbird, and several other applications with the primary goal of removing advertisements. Block all ads automatically, no distractions Browse faster and safer Fully customizable, you are in control. - Gene`s BMX Uses This Tool. It does remove advertisements add banners from web sites when you surf the web. Sometimes it does remove legit banners and logos on some sites but it helps get rid of them unwanted Google advertisements on web sites. Adblock Plus is a well worth your time tool to add on to your web browser. 08/11/2013: - How To Get Back To A Single Tab In Firefox 23 Browser: In Mozilla Firefox 23.0.0 Browser, as part of there effort to redesign the browser, the option to hide the tab bar was removed. Fortunately, this can easily be resolved - if you desire the keep tabs hidden in to a single tab. You can install "Hide tab bar with one tab", an extension hosted on Mozillas add-ons site, which will restore ability to hide the tab bar. * |