Gene`s BMX News ( Commentary Quote ) -- 08/07/2008 Over the last year we have seen some scams and dams on the world wide web with the 2008 Olympic Games. Everything from tickets to the Olympic Games to Olympic pins logos and Olympic Game t shirts and a lot more stuff just to say. With BMX Racing being in 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, China, It is hard for people to find anything Official Olympic Products with BMX for sale on the web. This last February 2008 Gene`s BMX seen lots of people in the BMX community on-line and off-line asking about on where they could get Official USA Olympics BMX T-Shirts and BMX Products showing suport for BMX in the 2008 Olympics. That question about how to get official 2008 BMX Beijing, China Olympic Games products to help in support of the sport BMX racing is still the same today. In all, there is vary little official BMX Olympic Games product to be found for consumers. See PR: ( 02/26/2008 - Gene`s BMX Questions Olympic BMX Products Quote ) With everyone trying to cash in on this latest craze of BMX with BMX Racing being in the 2008 Olympic Games, we have surfed and stumbled in to a few of scams and dams with the Olympic Games topic. We say to everyone, Heads Up! there is a lot of scams and dams targeting in to the Olympic Games BMX. A small rule of thumb on the world wide web for consumers, If products look fake or like it is to good of a deal to be true, then chances are it is a scam to get money. As we where surfing the world wide web the other night we found something that was vary interesting in the BMX community. The ABA BMX cashing in on the latest craze. The ABA BMX has Limited Edition USA BMX Team poster for sale $12.99 on its site. We thought how cool is that un-till we started looking deep in at a photo of this poster. ![]() collection. A portion of the proceeds to benefit your Olympic athletes, Retail price of $12.99 to include shipping and handling. ( source ) Looking at this online poster it does look a bit bogus and counterfeit? The Olympic Rings shown on the poster are not in-line and laced like to days official Olympic Rings by the IOC. We find that a little odd. Why is it that this poster does not have the official Olympic 5 Rings on it if a portion of the proceeds is to benefit Olympic athletes? - The Olympic 5 Rings is part of the Olympic Games identity. - We say this is a Red Flag! But then the ABA BMX is always trying to make a $buck from anything. As we are seeing the ABA BMX pushing more and more to being more about the money than as to what the fun is in BMX. The ABA BMX is not going to get my money from a bogus looking poster un-less they can show that the poster has official IOC logos on it. The ABA BMX is good and all, `we think they are?, but this poster makes you wonder what the deal is becouse the official Olympic rings are not on it and portions of proceeds, the money, is to benefit the Olympic athletes. You would think that the ABA BMX would have all of the official logos on it. After all, they are a BMX Sanction. LOL _______________________________________________________________ Ladies and gentlemen may I have your attention please, gather around come on gather around. Step right up, step right up come on ladies and gentlemen gather around. Let me tell you all about the Mack and Jack wonder poshion, Guaranteed to give you unbelievable power, yes my friends it can give you the strength of a raging bull.......................... _______________________________________________________________ 2008 BMX Olympics Information _______________________________________________________________ ***** Gene`s BMX ***** All Things Northwest in BMX! |