Gene`s BMX Applauds To The
Crack Downs On Motorized Scooters

Wake up people!
A Quote - "Motorized Scooters are NOT bicycles",
"They are motorized automobiles just like a car or motorcycle".
"A motorized scooters does not have any characteristics for
physical fitness performance for young people that rider them".
Think about it People - It has a motor, may it be electric or gas.
The State Of Washington Law says -
A state agency or local government or municipalities may regulate
the operation of an EPAMD and motorized foot scooter within the
boundaries under their jurisdiction and control, including any area used
for recreation, open space, habitat, trails, or conservation purposes.
CC -
Mopeds, EPAMDs, electric-assisted bicycles, motorized foot scooters ---
General requirements and operation. Revised Code of Washington -
RCW 46.61.710
Wenatchee, Washington -- 06/17/2004
In the last week The Associated Press ( AP ) news wires have
been flooded with reports of citys and town across Washington
state and across the US of doing crack downs on motorized scooters.
Gene`s BMX stands and applauds support of amending ordinances
across Washington state to the motorized scooters due to, It is just
not safe for young kids with out a driver's license to be darting
around in the roadways with the motorized/electric foot scooters.
The 2003 Legislative Session Laws Say:
"You may drive neighborhood electric vehicles
and motorized foot scooters on some roads."
A new section was added to chapter 46.04 of the Revised Code
of Washington which states in part, "Motorized foot scooter" means "..
Neighborhood electric vehicles must have four-wheels, be
self-propelled to a maximum speed of 25 MPH and are legal
only on roads posted 35 MPH or less. A vehicle license
and plates, a driver license, liability insurance, and
use of seat belts and child safety seats are required.
Motorized foot scooters must have handlebars, two ten-inch
or smaller diameter wheels, and a gas or electric motor.
Foot scooters with reflectors approved by the state patrol
can be driven day or night. No vehicle or driver license
or insurance is required. (Effective August 1, 2003)
But did the 2003 Washington State Legislative think of "Safety"
when they added and passed this to chapter 46.04 of the Revised
Code of Washington. - I think Not! ... Im not blasting the Legislative,
but they could have taken a bigger look at effects on the safety of
are youth before they go off letting are youth with out a driver's
license intermix with other motorized automobile on the roadways
in Washington state with no helmet requirement, driver's license
insurance or brake specifications and then laying the problem on
to the states cites and towns to think up on how to impose
restrictions on the motorized scooters. What where they thinking?
Washington Residents Step up and HELP your City-Town Councils
in amending ordinances to your citys code chapters....
The City Of Wenatchee Washington was of the first in the state
to amend a ordinance to the citys code
chapter 7.32 pertaining
to motorized foot scooters back on November 13th, 2003
No person may drive a motorized foot scooter with in the City of
Wenatchee unless such person has a valid driver's license of any
class issued by the State of the person's residence. Also - It is
unlawful to operate or ride a motorized foot scooter upon any
sidewalk within the City of Wenatchee.
The penalty's are a strong $50 fine and and the scooter is subject
to impound by the City which may cost you even more to get your
scooter back in to your hands.
But laws can only do so much. Where are the parents?
Do we want to see are youth get hurt or of that killed?
It also takes power of parents of the youth to say NO not till your
of age to have a valid driver's license to have a motorized scooter.
I don't think you would give your 12 year old the keys to the car?
All in all, they're just to much of a dangerous toy for kids.
So think hard before you run out and buy your kid one....
( Here is what a gas & electric scooter sorta looks like )

Next in line - is the mini motorcycles called "pocket bikes"
But a hint to all, they are the same as the motorized scooters.
No government agency checks pocket bikes to see whether lights
work or the turn signals are adequately visible. Pocket bikes does
not meet current federal safety standards for street-legal vehicles.
It is true: Most urban areas in Washington state, don't allow
pocket bikes on city streets, sidewalks or bike paths. So the
only legal place to ride them is on private property..................
All in all, they're just to much of a dangerous toy for kids.
So think hard before you run out and buy your kid one....
( Here is what a pocket bike sorta looks like )

Consumer Reports:
Local police are issuing warnings about the
tiny motorized bikes called "pocket bikes."
Pocket bikes - Hot and dangerous wheels
***** Information Links *****
Washington State Ordinances-Laws on Motorized Foot Scooters
Ordinances, Documents, Articles, Sources & Listings by
Municipal Research & Services Center (MRSC) under the
Bureau of Governmental Research at the University of Washington
http://www.mrsc.org/Subjects/PubSafe/scooters.aspx ( detailed information )
State Of Washington Bicycle Laws ( Wenatchee`s Scooter Ordinance listed )
Mopeds, EPAMDs, electric-assisted bicycles, motorized foot scooters ---
General requirements and operation. Revised Code of Washington -
RCW 46.61.710
State of Washington: legal status of electric bicycles.
More Information -
Google.com/Search - washington scooter laws and regulations
Google.com/Search - Motorized Scooters Washington Laws
Here are some News Reports in the Wires for 1/2 of a year
June-December 2004 that has been posted via Gene`s BMX
***** IN The AP Wire News December 2004 *****
Children find ways to use motorized scooters
Shreveport, LA (AP) -- 12/30/2004
Pocket Bikes Spell Fun for Youths, Worry for Adults
Philadelphia, News Wire 12/30/2004
Despite city ban, suburban pocket bike sales boost profits
PHILADELPHIA (AP) — 12/30/2004
Motorized bikes & scooters big danger: Officials rail against fad
ASBURY PARK, NJ (AP) -- 12/23/2004
Pocket Bikes Roar Off Shelves w/ Unsafe-Toy Rankings
Washington Post -- 12/22/2004
New state motorized scooter law welcomed
Weymouth, MA (AP) -- 12/10/2004
New law takes on scooter use
Chelmsford, MA (AP) -- 12/03/2004
***** IN The AP Wire News November 2004 *****
Motorized Bicycles in Holiday Ads May be Illegal to Operate
Kansas City, MO (AP) -- 11/28/2004
CT City seeks pocket bike ban
Danbury, CT (AP) -- 11/24/2004
Motorized foot scooters face restrictions
Vancouver, Washington -- 11/22/2004
Three Pierce County Cities Regulating Motorized Scooters
Tacoma, Washington -- 11/18/2004
Right way to regulate motor scooters
Belmont, MA (AP) -- 11/14/2004
Popularity of pocket bikes on decline
Honolulu, HI (AP) -- 11/10/2004
***** IN The AP Wire News October 2004 *****
Kirkland police to crack down on "pocket bikes"
Kirkland, Washington -- 10/30/2004
Council bans motorized scooters from city parks
Roseburg,Oregon -- 10/29/2004
Vancouver to regulate motorized scooters
Vancouver, Washington -- 10/20/2004
Sequim to require bicyclists to wear helmets - scooter ordinance
Sequim & Port Angeles, Washington -- 10/14/2004
Vancouver scooter hearing Oct. 18
Vancouver, Washington -- 10/06/2004
***** IN The AP Wire News September 2004 *****
Motorized scooters may be cause for new ordinance
Roseburg, Oregon -- 09/29/2004
Eugene Ordinance would bar motorized scooters
Eugene, Oregon -- 09/19/2004
City of Moseslake passes scooters ordinance
Moseslake,Washington -- 09/10/2004
***** IN The AP Wire News August 2004 *****
Pocket bikes illegal on public roadways
Maui, HI (AP) -- 08/29/2004
Legislature Moving Toward A Crack-Down On Minibikes
BOSTON, MA (AP) -- 08/21/2004
Vancouver bans mini motorcycles on city streets
How scooters are regulated in your city
Everett, Washington -- 08/16/2004
Miniature motorcycles popping up around area
Park Hills, MO (AP) -- 08/16/2004
Mini-bikes get more attention from police
Laramie, WI (AP) -- 08/15/2004
Pocket bikes not a legal ride
Pittsburgh, PA (AP) -- 08/15/2004
No Scooters Allowed on Sunnyside Streets
Lynnwood puts brakes on scooters
Lynnwood, Washington -- 08/11/2004
City seeks opinions about scooters
Eugene, Oregon -- 08/11/2004
***** IN The AP Wire News July 2004 *****
End of the road for motor scooters
BRISTOL, RI (AP) -- 07/31/2004
What rules apply to scooter riders?
Roseburg, Oregon -- 07/29/2004
Motorized mini-cycles fuel debate
Portland, Main (AP) -- 07/29/2004
Pocket motorcycles' cause concerns
Leavenworth, KS (AP) -- 07/29/2004
Pocket rockets are flying off the shelves
Syracuse, NY (AP) -- 07/29/2004
Motorized scooters governed by state laws
NORTH COUNTY, CA (AP) ---- 07/25/2004
Scooter rider injured in collision
Kennewick, Washington -- 07/16/2004
Motor Scooter Restrictions Approved In Seattle, Kirkland, Yakima
SEATTLE, Wash. (AP) -- 07/09/2004
Palos Heights says no to motorized scooters
Palos, IL (AP) -- 07/09/2004
No Yielding to Young Scooter Riders
Yakima, Washington -- 07/08/2004
Seattle City Council restricts use of motor scooters
Seattle, Washington -- 07/08/2004
Kirkland imposes limitations on scooters
Kirkland, Washington -- 07/08/2004
City Council approves laws for scooters
Seattle, Washington -- 07/08/2004
Seattle may ban scooters on sidewalks, bike lanes
Seattle, Washington -- 07/06/2004
Scooters, Graffiti in Council's Sights
Yakima, Washington -- 07/05/2004
Teen ran stop sign in scooter accident
Edinburgh, IN (AP) -- 07/03/2004
***** IN The AP Wire News June 2004 *****
Vote on scooters delayed
Seattle, Washington -- 06/30/2004
Pocket bikes' present no small danger
MILFORD, MA (AP) -- 06/29/2004
Selah Scooter Restrictions Coming; Skateboard Park Closed
SELAH, WASHINGTON — 06/25/2004
Panel OKs laws for motorized scooters
Seattle, Washington -- 06/24/2004
City latest to try curbing motorized scooters
Issaquah, Washington -- 06/24/2004
Issaquah latest to try curbing motor scooters
Issaquah, Washington -- 06/24/2004
Pint-sized pocket bikes
Ukiah, CA (AP) -- 06/24/2004
Somerton council considering ordinance for scooters
SOMERTON, AZ (AP) — 06/23/2004
The pocket bike menace
Long Beach, CA (AP) -- 06/23/2004
Scooter ban runs out of gas
Columbus, NE (AP) -- 06/23/2004
Getting tough on scooters
Clark County, Washington -- 06/21/2004
Opinion - In Our View: Scooter Danger
Clark County, Washington -- 06/21/2004
E-scooter' fans lobby Seattle transportation panel
Seattle, Washington -- 06/19/2004
City to draft scooter regulations, seek public comment
Eugene, Oregon -- 06/17/2004
Kirkland City Council weighs age restrictions for scooter use
Kirkland, Washington -- 06/17/2004
Scooters Sidelined
Salina, KS (AP) -- 06/17/2004
Pocket Bikes Are The Latest Rage, But Are They Legal?
SACRAMENTO, CA (AP) -- 06/17/2004
Cities grapple with scooters, kids
Richland, Washington (AP) -- 06/17/2004
Motor-assisted scooters cause fuss in Eugene
EUGENE, Ore. (AP) -- 06/16/2004
Scooters save on gas, but are they skirting the law?
Cincinnati, OH (AP) -- 06/16/2004
Easy Rider Days May End for Motorized Scooters
Yakima, Washington -- 06/14/2004
Motorized foot scooters a danger to young drivers
(Washington State News from all over) -- 06/11/2004
Richland boy on minibike killed by truck
Richland, Washington -- 06/08/2004
Cities consider restrictions on use of motorized scooters
Seattle, Washington -- 06/01/2004
***** Gene`s BMX *****
All Things Northwest in BMX! (
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