Re: The Stephen Murray
Fund Thing, - Boo-Hoo
RE: send money, send cards, send this, send that, send
everything you have, but don`t have respect for others
less they are a pro bmxer becouse other bmxers don`t
count when they get hert, now do they, as it seems.......
Gene`s BMX News ( Commentary Quote ) -- 06/29/2007
Alot of hipe talk around the web about the Stephen Murray crash
at the Dew. Please do not get me wrong as it is sad and we all hope
Stephen Murray can make his way back with us all and keep ridding.
But a small rant N rave about this as something
that I see that just is somewhat not right here....
Stephen Murray a pro BMXer, ok, nice and all. He made his way to the
top but now he crashed and is hert and people mope about it, - well a
small news flash, We all know the risks of BMX may be it is race or
freestyle or even ridding your BMX bike down the street there is a
risk of that could be your last ride. But I ask, why is it that when a
Pro BMXer crashes and gets hert that everyone makes shuch a big
deal out of it and all about it?
The day after the Dew event played out where Stephen Murray
crashed, a small video showed up on YouTube by one of the EMTs
that was working the event. ( If you ask me it was a good video
where alot of people could have learnt from a BMX crash. ) A hand
full of people bitched and moned that it was not right to have the video
on the web so kids could see it, so the guy removed it. - In all there was
not much to the video but 22 sec of a bmx dirt run and at the end you
seen the rider fall and that was it, no blood, no guts or not much
more than the crowed oooing and trying to see what happend.
Heck, alot of people blasted down this guy that shot and posted
the video on YouTube to where he removed it. A video that did
have meening to it. So, I ask you all - Why do all of you get a
thrill of others crashing and not blast down all of them other
BMXing crash videos/photos out there? I ask why? Heck, them other
people that crash in all of them other BMX videos are in pain as well.
So have you people ever thought of that? - `blast that one down'.
Yes, it is way sad that Stephen Murray crashed and is hert But what
about all of the other BMXers out there that have crashed and got
hert too? I do alot of news posting and every week I see at least
1 or 2 news clips where someone has crashed at a BMX event or have
crashed in with a car with a BMX on the road ways may they not be a
Pro BMXer, but they are still a BMXer, - pro or not pro. Don`t them
riders count for something aswell, they to have med bills after the fact.
So, What is it with when a Pro BMXer crashes, they get the red carpet
rolled out for them?
So fare this year I have seen 35 news press clips from around the world
showing a BMX rider has died or got killed when riding a BMX bike may
they be a race or freestyle event or ridding on the roadways. Fact is
they got hert-killed, not to many people are seen online making a big deal
about them that I have seen, So, I ask, - WHY IS THAT?
Don`t any of you give a darn about Non-Pro BMXers that get hert or killed?
It don`t look like many people care less they are a Pro BMXer. `that is sad'.
Here is one just today in the news wire. But will the internet's
BMXing community care or not care about this? The guy is Not a
Pro BMXer so will he just gets lost? Heck, This guy is a BMXer.
~~~~ Quote: ~~~~
Bicyclist Killed In Accident
MONROE TWP. -- Friday, June 29, 2007
A bicyclist was killed Thursday when he was struck by a pickup
truck while attempting to cross the Black Horse Pike, police said.
Brandon S. Scholar, 21, died in Kennedy Memorial Hospital,
Washington Township about an hour after the 4:30 a.m. crash.
Scholar a township resident was operating a Mongoose BMX-style
bicycle east on Sicklerville Road and John J. Touhill, 49, of Williamstown
was driving a 2005 Dodge Dakota pickup truck north on the Black Horse
Pike when the collision occurred, police said.
Touhill attempted to stop, police said. Scholar was thrown from the bike after
impact. Two witnesses indicated Touhill had the right of way, police said.
This is the forth news clip PR that I have seen like this since after
Stephen Murray crashed and got hert at the Dew event. Im
shore that if you did a web search you would find many many
more news PRs somehwhat like this one......
So, does anyone give darn about all of them other BMXers that
have gotton hert or killed. Heck, the internet's BMXing community
seems to not show to much support for all of them others that get hert
and or killed. - So WHY all the support for the Pro BMXer Stephen
Murray? - WHY? As some of you replyed on that YouTube video,
`Have some F-ing respect'. But I don`t think most of you people even
know what the meening of what respect is. You all shores the heck
dont show it for other BMXers that crash or get killed - as it seems.
***** Gene`s BMX *****
All Things Northwest in BMX!

*** Dew Tour Stephen Murray Injury Update ***
Baltimore, MD -- 06/24/2007
BMX Dirt competitor Stephen Murray of England was
injured Friday night, June 22nd while attempting a double
backflip during his second run in BMX Dirt Finals.
Murray, 27, was immediately attended to by tour medical
staff and was taken by ambulance to University Hospital.
He underwent surgery Saturday, June 23rd
and is in critical but stable condition.
"Our thoughts and prayers go out to Stephen Murray
and his family." said Wade Martin, president and general
manager of the AST Dew Tour.
CC - http://www.astdewtour.com
RE: This is the target PR Stephen Murray Fund PR`s found aflot on
BMX web sites like bmxnews, bmxonline, expn, fox, and many more.
Stephen Murray Fund PR
Stephen Murray is a BMX Athlete that could use help from the BMX community.
Stephen is a professional dirt jumper that is well known for his amazing tricks
like double back flips, 360 back flips, turndown back flips and so much more.
Stephen Murray came to the United States from New Castle Great Britain over
10 years ago with a dream of riding with the best athletes in the sport. He came
over here originally as a BMX racer but quickly took to Dirt Jumping and
Freestyle in the scene of Huntington Beach and Sheep Hills.
2001 And 2002 marked the biggest year for Stephen Murray of his career.
He won the Gold Medal in Dirt Jumping at X Games and back to back wins
at the Gravity Games, the two biggest contests at the time.
Stephen is quoted on his own riding style,
"I go 110%, go big and send it!" (EXPN)...
On Friday June 22nd at the AST Dew Tour BMX Dirt Finals in Baltimore, MD,
Stephen Murray took a horrific fall on the final set of the dirt section while
sending a double back flip. Stephen has received career ending injuries
to his spinal cord and vertebrae.
Unlike the NFL or other major professional sports which have unions that
provide funds to athletes who are injured, BMX has nothing like this. BMX
however is much more like a family than any other sport. Now is the time
we need to reach out and support one of our family members like never before.
The injuries that Stephen sustained are no doubt going to affect him for a
life time. Medical bills alone can reach astronomical dollar amounts. As a
BMX community we have the power to help him. Stephen is a young 27
years old and is the financial provider for a wife and two young children.
This message has the potential to reach millions. Even if you are only able
to donate $1 if we did it all together we can accomplish a great deal. This
is for real, this is an opportunity to help out one of the most loved riders
in our sport. Please find it in your hearts to contribute any dollar amount
that you can, and say a prayer for Stephen Murray and his family in this
difficult time.
Here are ways you can contribute:
Email StephenMurrayFund with the dollar amount you would like to contribute.
You will then receive an email back with the invoice that leads you directly to
a Pay Pal Secure account where you can pay by credit card or bank account
number. Mail a check payable to: ( SNIP/CUT )
***** Gene`s BMX *****
All Things Northwest in BMX!